Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

  • 2

    Week 1: The importance of our stories

    • Video Lesson

    • Assignment 1: Sharing your story

    • Journaling: Who were you before your pain?

  • 3

    Week 2: Past messages about pain

    • Video Lesson

    • Assignment 2: Messages about pain

    • Journaling: How have the messages you have received about pain influenced how you manage your pain?

  • 4

    Week 3: Narrative Medicine

    • video lesson

    • Assignment 3: Give voice to the painting

    • Journaling: Write a letter to your pain

    • A little Extra: What is Narrative Medicine and why is it healing? It gives our stories meaning

    • My Story

    • Narrative Medicine with Julia Schneider

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    Week 4: A little history and a little science

    • video lesson

    • Lorimer Moseley - Why Things Hurt

    • Assignment 4: What are your take aways from this information?

    • Journaling: What difference does this information make to me?

  • 6

    Week 5: Sensitivity of a System

    • video lesson

    • Adrianne Louw: Why You Hurt (Part 1)

    • Adrianne Louw Why You Hurt ( Part 2)

    • Assignment 5 What's in your cup?

    • Journaling: What is in your cup you can change right now?

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    Week 6: Pain is Changeable

    • Video Lesson

    • Assignment 6: Physically calming

    • Journaling: Celebrating you

    • The Rubber Hand

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    Week 7: Multifactorial Elements of Pain

    • Video Lesson

    • Explain Pain in 5 minutes

    • Assignment 7: Your Unique Picture

    • Journaling: Rest

    • Bonus: Bullet Point Journal

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    Week 8: Pain Flares: Red flags and things to know

    • video lesson

    • Assignment 8: Creating your flare plan

    • Journaling: Overwhelm

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    Week 9: Flares and Self- Care

    • video lesson

    • Assignment 9: Asking for Help

    • Journaling : Safety

    • Peaceful Breathing Exercise

    • Ocean Meditation

    • Glitter Jar!

    • Bonus: 30 day Self-Care Challenge

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    Week 10: 6 Tips for Pacing

    • video lesson

    • Finding Your Base Line: workbook

    • Assignment 10: Evaluate your Pacing

    • Journaling: Self -Judgement

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    Week 11: Graded Imagery and Graded Exposure to get moving!

    • Video Lesson

    • Movement Ladder Worksheet

    • Video: Expanding Your World week 1/4

    • Expanding Your World : workbook

    • Assignment 11: Choices

    • Journaling: Fearless

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    Week 12: Graded Exercise

    • Video Lesson

    • Video: Expanding Your World Week 2/4

    • Assignment 12: Checking in

    • Journaling: The Unknown

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    Week 13: Goal Setting

    • Video Lesson

    • Video: Expanding Your World Week 3/4

    • Assignment 13: SMART Goals

    • Journaling: Goals

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    Week 14: Review

    • Video Lesson

    • Video: Expanding Your World Week 4/4

    • Assignment 14: Celebrate Your Progress

    • Journaling: Why Bother

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    Week 15: The Role of our Thoughts

    • Video Lesson

    • Video: Thought Ruts 1/3

    • Thought Ruts Workbook

    • Assignment 15: ABC

    • Journaling: What Happens....

    • Bonus: CBT worksheet

    • Bonus: Fight Flight, Freeze & Fawn responses explained

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    Week 16: Challenging Unhelpful Thoughts

    • Video Lesson

    • Video Lesson: Thought Ruts 2/3

    • Assignment 16: What's working?

    • Journaling: Paying attention

    • For your edification

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    Week 17: Stress Responses

    • Video Lesson

    • Video Lesson: Thought Ruts 3/3

    • Assignment 17: Practice makes it easier

    • Journaling: Understanding our responses

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    Week 18: Reconnecting with you

    • Video Lesson

    • Move Beyond Pain Workbook

    • Video Lesson: Move Beyond Pain 1/4

    • Assignment 18: Pursue Happiness

    • Journaling: Who are you?

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    Week 19: Reconnecting with your needs

    • Video Lesson

    • Video Lesson: Moving Beyond Pain 2/4

    • Assignment 19: Care and Feeding of YOU

    • Journaling: Celebrating you

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    Week 20: Reconecting to dreams

    • Video Lesson

    • Video Lesson: Moving Beyond Pain 3/4

    • Assignment 20: What have you learned?

    • Journaling: Is it big enough?

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    Week 21: Reconnecting with others

    • Video Lesson

    • Video Lesson: Moving Beyond Pain 4/4

    • Assignment 21: What's your next step?

    • Journaling: What's your story now?